
The air is filled with the scent of spring, the days are getting longer, and the trees are turning green. The arrival of spring also means the arrival of May Day, a time when we can celebrate the light after the dark winter! For students, May Day is all about community and taking a moment to forget about the pressures of studying and gradually shifting our focus towards summer.


May Day is traditionally a celebration of the working class, and for students, the work is studying. Among students, May Day is like a symbol of spring's arrival and the end of the spring semester. On May Day, we can celebrate the achievements of spring and reminisce about the mishaps, tough exams, and long nights spent with essays. So, put on your BBA cap, wear your overalls, and head to the park for a picnic with sima (mead), doughnuts, and of course, friends!

While we celebrate our past achievements, we must never lose sight of the future; just as after a cold winter comes light and warmth in the form of spring, brighter times are also ahead for us students. Even though decisions are being made at the governmental level that undermine students, we can rise above as a community. As students, we are the future and the cornerstone of this society, and that should never be forgotten. Let's take pride in ourselves and march confidently towards the future!

We, the Students of Business and Technology, always emphasize community spirit. Let's take care of each other this May Day and celebrate safely and responsibly – together.


It's a moment of gratitude, as we want to thank all our local chapters, activists, officials, and of course, students, for a fantastic spring! Spring has been filled with events, campaigns, and initiatives. None of these would be possible without students!

The Union Board of Students of Business and Technology 2024 wishes everyone a safe, community-driven, and fun May Day!